Applicable standards
DIN 45669-1:2010-09 (Frequency, Measurement range compliance), SBR Meten en beoordelen van trillingen, Deel A: Schade aan gebouwen 2010, Deel B: Hinder voor personen 2013, ISO 8041:2005, ISO 8041-1:2017,
marking, WEEE directive
Measurement functions
Tri-axial simultaneous measurement
Measurement values
In accordance with DIN
Peak particle velocity |v|max (PPV)
Dominant frequency fmg (D.F)
Weighted vibration maximum value KBFmax
Maximum KBF value over 30-second cycle KB
In accordance with ISO
Corrected acceleration effective value Acc.
Maximum transient vibration value MTVV
Vibration dose value VDV
Crest factor C.F.
In accordance with SBR
Maximum weighted vibration value veff, max
Maximum veff over 30-second cycle veff, max, 30
Displacement (0-p value) Disp.
Combined PPV for 3 axes PVS
Waveform recording (Option)
Time waveform of acceleration signal a(t)
1/3 octave band analysis value (Option)
Time-weighted time average, maximum acceleration
Tri-axial synthesis of band max overall Law
Measurement frequency range
Frequency bandwidth limits
For acceleration, velocity and displacement signals, the following frequency range limits can be selected:
Lower limit: 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 4 Hz
Upper limit: 80 Hz, 100 Hz, 250 Hz, Sensor Dependent
Measurement range
Measurement frequency setting is 1 to 80 Hz, defining the following range:
Measurement range for
Vibration velocity: 0.03 to 100 mm/s
Weighted vibration amount: 0.02 to 100 mm/s (Reference 16 Hz)
Maximum absolute waveform value: 0.05 to 100 mm/s (Reference 16 Hz)
Vibration acceleration: 0.0003 to 10 m/s2
Displacement (0-p): 0.01 to 10 mm (0.5 to 4 Hz)
Measurement range compliant with SBR-Deel
Vibration velocity: 0.02 to 100 mm/s (Frequency bandwidth 1 to 80 Hz)
Information on technical characteristics is based on the latest information available at the time of publication.